
Posts Tagged ‘mickey kaus’

Mickey Kaus, a center-left blogger for Slate is running against Sen. Barbara Boxer for the Democratic nomination to the US Senate in California. The New York Times has ten questions for him.

While he admits that he has no chance to beat Boxer, a three term Senator, I think there is something civically important in the move from commentator to candidate. Many have done it, some with electoral success (Al Franken, Jesse Ventura), some without (Alan Keyes, Pat Roberson). I would argue, though, that each candidacy is worthwhile, as it demonstrates that advocacy needs action for a political stance to become in this world, or at least the US political world. It’s why I have a soft spot for Tea Party types. This past summer this group of politically aligned people saw a world that was spinning away from their core values. They soon realized that simply getting together was not going to provide them with the change they desired, so now they are transitioning into an electoral platform. Whether you agree with them or not–and I do not–it’s civics in action.

It reminds me of a line from The West Wing, the Aaron Sorkin-created-left-leaning show that tracked the political fortunes of President Josiah Bartlet: “Decisions are made by those who show up.” I may be feeling overly simple this Sunday morning, but there is worth in showing up. It’s the reason teachers should be given the benefit of the doubt. It’s the reason why “I support the troops” is ever-present, despite whatever ideological clause follows. It’s why the best critical minds know and recognize the tension that lies between thinking something should be a certain way and doing something to make the certain way happen.

And I will always applaud those who attempt to bridge that gap.

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