
Posts Tagged ‘auditor’

Looks like Tea Party politics doesn’t track consistently along the I-75 corridor. The earlier post (and Blade story) about conservatives happily fighting a primary to ensure the strongest general election candidate is a decidedly different narrative than the one playing out in southwest Ohio.

This Cincinnati Enquirer piece tells an interesting story of the Ohio Republican Party’s effort to position candidates. This week they’ve cleared the path for former U.S. Senator Mike DeWine’s nomination to be the Republican candidate for Ohio Attorney General. In doing this, however, they’ve mucked up the Auditor’s race, as Delaware County prosecutor Dave Yost has entered the primary against Seth Morgan, a state representative from the Dayton area. 

Morgan had been unopposed for the nomination. And who’s mad? Conservatives who think DeWine was too liberal (and who didn’t seem to be too bothered by his loss to Sherrod Brown). And the Tea Party folk. This is truly the time of the year when established party organizations win out. The interesting tension here is between those who want Tea Party positions to turn into a electoral platform and those who want it to remain a voice, shrill but loud.

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